Canal Treatment of Milk Tooth
Root Canal Treatment of Milk Tooth necessary?
There was a time when countless milk teeth were extracted stating that they are just "temporary tooth" or "milk teeth know ,anyhow it is going to fall" and for so many other
reasons. But the milk teeth are there for a specific purpose. Each and every milk teeth has to stay for a
particular period of time. The change in dietary habits have resulted in a lot of milk teeth getting decayed at an earlier stage than
before. These milk teeth have to be preserved whenever possible. They are the natural SPACE MAINTAINERS which are there to preserve the space for permanent
teeth. Whenever a milk tooth is decayed badly, where a normal filling cannot be placed root canal treatment has to be considered before removal of tooth is considered.
How many sittings it will require to perform root canal treatment for a milk tooth?
It can be performed in single as well as multiple
sittings. The pediatric dentist will decide the best method depending upon the situation.
Is the procedure painful?
No, it is not
painful. If necessary the pediatric dentist can anesthetize the tooth and carry out the procedure.